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Important warnings when buying a house in Turkey

Important warnings when buying a house in Turkey

Turkey is an attractive country by its nature and its tourism, economic and social activities, but 
Be careful when you think of buying a house in Turkey that Turkey, with its attractiveness, overlooks the most important criteria that must be taken into account. 
The truth of the matter is that the matter does not stop at the beauty of Turkey by its nature and its economic activity, but rather it extends to the desire to obtain real estate residency for you and your family members when you buy a house in Turkey, and it also enables you to apply for Turkish citizenship, in addition to the important and strong Turkish passport globally". 
And what if you are thinking of real estate investment in Turkey, this country provides you with an atmosphere of active and attractive real estate investment, especially in Istanbul, which is one of the most active cities in the world. In the value of your capital as a result of the increase in the value of real estate. 
There are many advantages of owning a house in Turkey, but without our heedless money can go in the wind. The enthusiasm and owning the capital are not enough to own a house in Turkey, but we need awareness. Buying real estate, whether in Turkey or other countries, is not without risks. 
Perhaps this article will facilitate the way for you and clarify your vision, when you think of buying a house in Turkey. 

Come close and don't go far to the outskirts of the city: 

Perhaps the prices of houses far from the city center are somewhat tempting, but do not fall into them. It lacks hospitals, schools and services, in addition to the difficulty of transportation, and this in turn will affect the return on investment if you want to invest and rent your home, as a result of the low demand for it on the one hand and its low rent on the one hand. 


The idea of ​​self-reliance is not desirable if you buy a property in Turkey, especially “if you are a foreigner”, you are ignorant of real estate laws, and this may expose you to fraud, so you should rely on a real estate agent or a real estate company, in addition to the fact that real estate companies have a close relationship with Construction companies, therefore, may provide you with attractive offers and discounts. 

Exploration tour: 

It is okay to take a survey tour, to see the various houses available for sale in Turkey, all the available projects and their prices, in addition to all the available offers, so that you may get the best option, in terms of price, location and space. 

Stay away from worn out houses:

You may save a lot of money when you buy an old house in Turkey, and you will undoubtedly spend a lot of money on repairing that house, so it is preferable that the house is not more than 10 years old. 

Pay attention to the details:

Do not overlook any detail when buying a house in Turkey. Pay attention to the number of rooms, geographical location, area, services, all of which are important details in determining the price of the house. 

Do you own the price of the whole house?

It is preferable when you want to buy a house in Turkey, to make sure that you own the full price, so that you do not have to borrow, and you may end up not being able to pay the amount, and therefore lose your home, and you should ask about the full costs involved in the purchase process. 

Don't buy big houses

This point is important for those who wish to invest, as the demand for small houses is greater than for large houses. 

Blue or red title deed: 

In Turkey, there are two types of title deeds, the agricultural title deed or the blue title deed, and the real estate title deed, that is, the red title deed. 
The blue taboo is for those who want to buy agricultural land. When the owner of the land sells his land to another person who wants to build on it, the second person will suffer many problems because whoever builds a property must have a red taboo and not a blue title deed, and when buying a house on land with a blue title deed, the buyer will be held accountable. And he gets into a problem that he has nothing to do with. 

Do not sign outside the circle: 

Be sure to sign the house purchase contract within a special legal department, because any contract signed outside the legal departments in Turkey is considered null and void, as if it had never existed. 

Read the specifications: 

The specifications written in the contract must be identical to the specifications of the house, and the purchase price must be clearly written in the contract. 

Don't get attached to apartments plans: 

Do not buy a house in Turkey on the scheme without being present in person, in order not to be cheated and lose your money, as you will not be able to undo this step easily. 

Ownable or not? 

The Turkish state must recognize the house and be valid for sale and purchase, and the seller must attend personally, otherwise the buyer will be held accountable, and the seller’s safety and mental health is the responsibility of the buyer, as the decision to sell is considered null and not recognized by the Turkish official authorities in the event that the seller suffers that A type of mental disorder. 

Before signing the purchase contract, pay attention to take away your money: 

The house must be free of liability, and that there are no debts incurred by it, make sure that the previous owner of the property has paid all the dues, and make sure that there is no stone on the house, or that it is not mortgaged. 
There are many points to consider when you think of buying a house in Turkey, and you can follow our website constantly in order to be informed of the latest news on the real estate market in Turkey.


Editing by Ramzy Real Estate Team ©


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