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Iraqi investment in Turkey

Iraqi investment in Turkey

The real estate market in Turkey is one of the most preferred real estate markets by foreign investors of various nationalities, thanks to the advantages and components of Turkey's real estate, which make investment in it a matter of guarantee. In recent periods, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of Arab investors. Those who buy real estate in Turkey, in particular, it has been noticed that the percentage of Iraqi citizens is increasing in the list of the most Arab nationalities buying real estate in Turkey, and it can be said that this increase and the great trend by Iraqis towards Turkish real estate is due to a number of reasons and factors that supported it. 

First The security of the real estate market in Turkey attracts Iraqi investors: 

It was two thousand and three years of misfortune for the Iraqis, and the war that broke out caused great damage to the Iraqi economy, which led to a remarkable and undeniable deterioration in the various state systems, not to mention the sectarian problems that surfaced during the war and led to multiple divisions in Iraqi society and as a result of all these calamities, Iraqi citizens began to migrate to flee the country, especially the owners of capital, first in order to find a safer and more stable place away from the ravages of war and secondly in order to find a guaranteed place to invest and preserve their money from loss and loss. They have lost confidence in the safety of their home country, on all economic and humanitarian levels. 

Second The influx of Iraqi citizens towards Turkey: 

According to statistics made by the Turkish government, nearly half a million Iraqi citizens have come to Turkey between two thousand fourteen and two thousand and eighteen, and the bulk of these expatriates have chosen to start an investment project in their new place of residence, which means undertaking By purchasing a property in Turkey, so the percentage of Iraqis buying real estate in Turkey increased with these delegations, and these properties varied between commercial real estate companies, offices, shops, residential real estate and housing for students and youth, and some decided to open a tourism project to take advantage of the active tourism sector. The country is very keen to achieve investment returns such as restaurants, cafes, malls and hotels. 

Third Common factors between Iraq and Turkey:

The Iraqis chose Turkey's real estate as a new haven for investment as a result of the presence of many common factors between both Iraqi society and Turkish society, as the two countries are located in geographical proximity to each other, and this has led to the presence of intermingling and convergence between the cultures of the two countries in a way that brings a sense of comfort in The souls of Iraqis, in addition to the presence of Kurds in Turkey, constitutes an additional common factor because the percentage of Kurds in Iraq is high and they have their weight and presence in it, which means that there is more harmony and similarity in customs, traditions and religious celebrations, and this is directly observed in the Iraqis ’choices of places. They have purchased real estate in Turkey within them, as most of them are popular Turkish cities, which are very similar to eastern societies in customs, traditions and lifestyle. 

Fourthly Reasons for the strength of the real estate market in Turkey: 

The most important factor in the prosperity of anything is the presence of a solid and stable ground on which it is based, and Turkey has been able to obtain a high position in the field of real estate and real estate investment because it has provided these two factors as the resources and economy in Turkey are strong and have special interest from the Turkish government in addition to Turkey lives in great stability in various fields, whether security, economic, political and social. 
In terms of security, it is a stable, secure and economically strong country, as the Turkish economy falls within the first twenty ranks as the strongest global economies and politically, Turkey is constantly working to maintain close and good relations with various parties, whether in the region or globally with European and Western countries and on the one hand. Social, the Turkish society is one of the least racist societies, receptive to various opinions, and it lives in national cohesion. 

Fifthly Laws encouraging Iraqi investors to buy real estate in Turkey: 

The Turkish government is working continuously to attract more foreign investors to buy real estate in Turkey because it knows the great importance that the influx of foreign capital provides in supporting the Turkish economy and that Iraqi investors are not except when it has set in place many laws that encourage real estate investment and Among them is the real estate residence law, according to which foreign investors are allowed to obtain a residence in Turkey by purchasing a property in Turkey. 
In addition to this, the mortgage law, which gives foreigners in Turkey the right to obtain a mortgage in order to buy a property. 
And also the abolition of the value-added tax, which allowed Iraqi investors in their country or other countries to buy a property in Turkey, whatever it was, even before arriving in Turkey.



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