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Tips and information about real estate investment in Turkey 2019

Tips and information about real estate investment in Turkey 2019

Real estate investment in Turkey in general and in Istanbul in particular is considered one of the best types of investments in the world, as Turkey has, for decades, become one of the most promising real estate markets in Europe for many reasons, the most prominent of which are:


Turkey location:

As Turkey enjoys a strategic location at the crossroads between Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia, in addition to providing unlimited opportunities for real estate developers and investors by combining the real estate sector with commercial and industrial production and other sectors, refusing to stop or slow down growth in these areas, which made the Real estate investment in Turkey is the goal of all investors around the world


What is a property? What motivates me to invest in Turkey?

Real estate:

It is every fixed property that is not transferable or transferable from one place to another, such as








As Franklin Roosevelt (Former President of the United States) said:

❞ The property cannot be lost, stolen, or carried away .. It is almost one of the safest investments in the world


You may ask yourself: What motivates me to invest in real estate in Turkey alone?

Here we can answer the following:

  The most important 8 reasons pushing you to invest in real estate in Turkey:


Turkish economy

If there is one word to describe the Turkish economy, it is "the speed of its growth", as the Turkish economy has been able to demonstrate the speed of its growth over 14 consecutive years, from 231 billion dollars in 2002 to 857 billion dollars in 2016 according to the statistics of the Turkish Economic Institute "Turk Stat, "taking into account that these results are constantly increasing.

This is not something strange for Turkey, as the Turkish economy 15 years ago was not among the first 100 economies in the world

While today it is in the 16th position in the world, striving to be among the ten major economies in the world, coinciding with the advent of 2023.


The favorable atmosphere for foreign investments

One of the most important things that may motivate you to invest in Turkish lands is its encouraging environment for owners of companies and projects, regardless of their size.

If it takes 5 to 7 days to establish a company in Turkey, according to the statistics of the World Bank for business in 2017.

Turkey is also known as the least country that sets restrictions and conditions that are difficult to implement for local investors in general and foreign investors in particular.


The many facilities for foreigners to own property:

The state of Turkey offers residency for everyone who buys real estate in its land and Turkish citizenship for those who invest $ 250,000 USD. The number of foreigners who obtained Turkish citizenship has increased recently, after the latest amendments related to the Turkish nationality law.

In addition to the ease of things going, as the process of transferring ownership (tapu) when choosing the property to be purchased will only take a maximum of two days !!


Turkey's population:

The population of Turkey in 2016 was about 80 million, according to the Turkish Statistical Institute

The most important thing is that 40 million people of Turkey's population are young, unlike European countries that suffer from a severe shortage of young people and a high level of elderly people.

In addition to the fact that the Turkish people are one of the peoples who love mixing with other cultures, descended from racism and discrimination between peoples in general.


Infrastructure of Turkey

Turkey has a great infrastructure. Amazing, sophisticated, in both:

-Internal and external extensions

-Health banks

- energy resources


-Paved roads

-Electrical networks

- Communications remotely

- Transportation

- And all the basic services necessary to improve the conditions of life

So it is a suitable center for real estate investment 100%


Reduced taxes for foreigners

Turkey imposes taxes on investors in it at a value of only 20%, which is a small and acceptable percentage compared to what it used to be 33% in the past.

But if we compare taxes in European countries, Turkey remains the best and the lowest in taxes, and this is one of the most important reasons for the success of real estate investment in Turkey.

And attracting capital to it.


Sophisticated architecture in Turkey

One of the most important reasons that motivate you to invest in Turkey is the architectural style on which the constructions are based in Turkey

Where the buildings are designed according to amazing standards that shorten the long time in construction, providing impressive results that are reflected in residential towers saturated with art and durability.

Buildings in Turkey also have the advantage of earthquake-resistant slates, sound-insulating glass, and other technologies and technologies.

Such as apartments equipped with the smart home system "the latest technology has reached"


Turkey site

We talked at the outset about Turkey's location and its importance in brief, but if you want to answer the question: Why is Turkey's geographical location so distinct?

We can say that there are many reasons why Turkey in general and Istanbul in particular have a truly strategic location, the most important of which are:

Turkey meets the continents of the world

The center of Turkey and its geographic importance to the countries of the whole world did not come in vain, as Turkey is located on the Anatolian Peninsula and is surrounded by

Three vital water bodies are:

- The Mediterranean Sea

- The Black Sea

- Aegean Sea

The country of Turkey represents the meeting point of the African continent, the continent of Asia, in addition to the continent of Europe, which makes it an economic pathway to all the world. The site of Turkey also played an important role in shaping

Turkish popular culture, which is characterized by a great deal of openness, diversity, and acceptance of others.

Also :

-Turkey's role in energy transfer

-The importance of its location culturally and culturally

- The strategic and military importance of Turkey

And many of the reasons that give Turkey's location a great advantage over its real estate investment.


Important advice for those who want to invest in real estate

- Be sure to buy a well-located property that guarantees you a successful investment in Turkey

- Make sure that the area where you buy your property is easily accessible and that it is surrounded by good transportation

- Search for a property within areas where there are many services and public facilities, for example: the Belek area in Istanbul or central areas with an important investment value, such as Bagcilar district in Istanbul.

Think of several investment patterns: You can diversify your investment to reap the most satisfactory results! For example, instead of buying two apartments !! Buy one apartment, a shop or a hotel apartment and a commercial office. This will be easy for you, especially because of the various options and opportunities that Turkey provides for you in real estate ownership.


How do I get a successful real estate investment?

All you have to do to get a successful investment is to consult a real estate expert who specializes in the real estate market

Where you will be presented:

- All data and information related to the property to be purchased

- Providing advice about the area of ​​the property to be invested, as the real estate consultant will advise you in areas witnessing investment growth and an excellent real estate renaissance

- Checking the title deed matters and small problems before the big ones, ensuring you a hassle-free investment

- Reviews of properties best suited to your budget

- And a lot of real estate advice and free services.



At Ramzy Real Estate Company, we are glad to accompany you on the journey of buying property in Turkey and to provide you with a range of services to make the process smooth and easy , as we are always keen to present a variety of options for residential and investment properties in addition to helping you obtain Turkish citizenship for those looking for it.
Our services:
- Legal advice .
- Property Management.
- After-sales services .
- Legal services and obtaining Turkish citizenship.
- Buying and selling real estate in Turkey.
- For more details, you can contact us via the communication platforms or via the WhatsApp attached on the site.


Editing by Ramzy Real Estate Team ©


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