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Comprehensive statistics on foreign ownership in Turkey

Comprehensive statistics on foreign ownership in Turkey

With each passing year, we find that the number of foreigners in Turkey has increased significantly with all the facilities provided by the real estate market to foreigners. Through this article, we will present to you a detailed and comprehensive report on foreign ownership in Turkey, in addition to a brief overview of the reasons that drive all these foreigners to buy real estate in Turkey...

Before we get to the heart of the matter, we must point out that the real estate market in 2021 witnessed a great and remarkable prosperity, and this was represented in the number of properties being sold, and according to statistics, the number of properties sold this year to foreigners was the highest in its history at all, as the reality of sale Approximately 59 thousand properties.

The following is an accurate statistic of the properties that were sold in the last five years up to the year 2021 AD:


The number of real estate salesThe year



Through this table, you can see that the past year was the best-selling year in terms of real estate, and this number was achieved as a natural result of the annual increase that is recorded.

Important information about real estate sales in Turkey:

-It is important to point out that Istanbul was able to be at the forefront in terms of the states selling real estate.

-As for the city of Antalya, it has made great progress in the number of properties sold during the year, in contrast to the clear decline it recorded in 2020 AD, which was caused by the epidemic crisis that had a significant impact on the real estate sector.

-Iranian nationals rank first among the foreigners who buy real estate in Turkey, while Iraqi nationals ranked second.

-Russians are among the most nationalities owning real estate in Turkey and they still occupy an advanced position.


foreign ownership in Turkey


Reasons for foreigners to buy real estate in Turkey:

Are you wondering about the reasons that drive a foreigner to buy real estate in Turkey? Here are the main reasons behind their decisions:

1 - Geographical location and historical importance:

No one disputes the importance of the geographical location of the Turkish state, as it is located between three continents and has a view of the most prominent bodies of water such as the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea.

Istanbul is the only city that spans two continents at the same time, in addition to that, it is one of the cities that is witnessing a significant acceleration in real estate growth.

Turkey has been classified as one of the cheapest European countries for real estate investment. It also provides the investor with a safe and stable environment for investment, such as advanced infrastructure and a multitude of development projects that contribute to raising real estate prices significantly, as it works on the construction of airports, water canals, bridges and highways.


2 - High investment returns:

One of the main reasons that prompted real estate investors to own property in Turkey is to obtain high and high returns, as Turkey is a polarizing environment for tourists throughout the year, which confirms the high demand for renting houses and apartments.

In this context, we advise investors to search for real estate in a thoughtful way, for example, to have its location close to tourist sites, vital places and recreational facilities.

3 - Low cost of living:

The relatively low cost of living in Turkey has prompted many foreigners to settle in Turkey, as it is cheaper than neighboring countries. In addition, life in Turkey is stable, developed, and operates according to modern regulations, and as a result of all of this, it has become in recent years a great demand.

4 - Diverse social environment:

This society witnesses great diversity and there is a great intersection between it and the Arab societies in terms of customs, traditions and the Islamic religion, and this has given many Arabs safety and reassurance when deciding to buy a property in Turkey.


The importance of real estate investment in Turkey:

-Turkish laws work to attract foreign investments, so you see that there are many new laws that are issued on a permanent basis aimed at motivating the investor to invest in real estate in Turkey.

-Turkey is witnessing political stability and economic recovery, in contrast to the situation in the surrounding Arab countries such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.

-The real estate market in Turkey includes a lot of diverse options and new real estate projects.

-There are expectations that real estate prices in Turkey may rise in the coming period due to the increase in foreign demand and the increase in the prices of raw construction materials.

-In light of economic fluctuations, real estate is a safe portfolio to save and develop funds, as it is the least affected and the least lost.

-Real estate valuation is the safety of investors, as this document proves the value of the property with great accuracy and prevents the buyer from falling into real estate fraud.

-Turkey is home to many huge development projects that have had a positive impact on the real estate sector in Turkey, such as airports, water canals, bridges and tunnels.


real estate investment in Turkey


If you want to buy a property in Turkey or there are some questions that you would like to find an answer to, just contact us and leave the task of answering to us. We at Ramzy Real Estate Company provide many free consultations to our clients and take over the task of supervising all real estate purchase procedures and following up on all legal details.


Editing by Ramzy Real Estate Team ©


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